BID Huntingdon Chairman’s Hunts Post March Column

Posted: Mon, March 15th, 2021




Spring has sprung with the news of a route map out of lockdown and the hopeful prospect of brighter days ahead.

During the last year our local non-essential businesses have worked hard to adapt to the challenges of supporting their customers through lockdown whether that be online, click and collect or, in the case of office based businesses, the option of more contact choices such as video calls.

Essential businesses have continued to operate throughout to provide us with our daily necessities and we must thank those that have continued to make that possible. However I am sure we can all agree that we are keen for a return to the High Street and the chance to visit our favourite stores and hair and beauty businesses amongst others that will be permitted to reopen on 12 April, not to mention enjoying a coffee or drink outside. Let us hope the weather is kind to us!

I know all our local businesses are eager to get back to doing what they do best, offering truly exceptional face to face customer service and we hope that everyone will support them through the re-opening and respect any restrictions that are still in place.

Looking forward to the second half of the year we shall see the opportunity for events to take place that have been missing from our calendars for so long so please carry on following the guidelines so we meet those milestones in the roadmap.

Not much longer and I shall be able to fill this column with upcoming events and in the meantime keep an eye on our website and Facebook for up to date news and information.