BID Huntingdon Chairman’s Hunts Post April Column

Posted: Fri, April 9th, 2021

At the time of writing this column I can at last look out of my office window and see some long awaited sunshine. How lucky are we that this coincides with the second part of stage one of the route map out of lockdown allowing us more freedom to meet outside.

We are now counting down to the 12 April to the reopening of all non-essential businesses. Let us hope that the beautiful weather of the last few days will continue and allow us to enjoy the restaurant and pub gardens that will also be allowed to open and serve customers sitting outdoors.

Many retailers have been busy this week clearing away Christmas stock that was left in stores as we went into lockdown, a reminder of just how long it has been! In next week’s edition of the Hunts Post keep an eye out for our full page advertising feature listing offers from local businesses as we celebrate our High Street slowly returning to something closer to normal.

And finally something not Covid related!

I am sure you are all very familiar with our Town Rangers, the friendly face of Huntingdon, who have been working in the town centre for over eight years. We are now looking for a new ranger to join our happy team – could this be you?

“Our Town Rangers respond immediately to all manner of incidents. Whatever the occurrence there is a real show of team effort and partnership working with various organisations including local councils, Police, Huntingdonshire Business Against Crime (HBAC) and CCTV, bringing excellent results,” says our BID Huntingdon Manager, Sue Wing.

The role of the rangers is vast and varied from reporting Highway defects to the relevant authority to keeping businesses updated and helping to fix issues. Another part of their day to day role involves giving information, assistance and directions to visitors, and as a trusted face they also deal with many first aid incidents; the main aim of the ranger role is to enhance the town centre experience and encourage people to return.

For full details and an application form Click here