EACH needs you for Help at Home volunteers

Posted: Sun, September 8th, 2019

East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) thrives off the generous support of  volunteers across all areas of the charity.

This Autumn, they are recruiting enthusiastic volunteers for their Help at Home programme. The families who receive support from EACH would often also benefit from practical support at home. For them, spending time together and making the most of every moment is more important than getting the ironing done or painting the garden fence. And that’s where you come in. The families need volunteers ready to step into their homes and gardens and relieve some of the burden by taking on these household tasks.

The Help at Home programme at EACH is such a valuable part of the support service they offer. Charlotte Redmond, EACH Volunteer Coordinator, says: “I only started working at EACH a couple of months ago and already I’m seeing what an amazing effect the Help at Home programme can have on the lives of families. I’ve no doubt we should be expanding the programme to reach more families who need simple practical support to make their day-to-day lives that little bit easier.”

The only thing you need to get involved is time to give! You can get more information by contacting Charlotte at [email protected] or on 07889 251385.

There are plenty of volunteering opportunities at EACH.
You can visit the website www.each.org.uk to find out how you can support us.